University Code of Ethics and Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Faculty Senate, with the concurrence of the President, approved revisions to the University’s mission statement on May 15, 2013, to replace the statement that had been in effect since May 31, 1985. The Board of Visitors, after making additional modifications, approved the mission statement on November 15, 2013. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) approved the mission statement on January 14, 2014, to be effective 30 days following adjournment of the 2014 General Assembly.

The University of Virginia is a public institution of higher learning guided by a founding vision of discovery, innovation, and development of the full potential of talented students from all walks of life. It serves the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation, and the world by developing responsible citizen leaders and professionals; advancing, preserving, and disseminating knowledge; and providing world-class patient care.

We are defined by:

  • Our enduring commitment to a vibrant and unique residential learning environment marked by the free and collegial exchange of ideas;
  • Our unwavering support of a collaborative, diverse community bound together by distinctive foundational values of honor, integrity, trust, and respect;
  • Our universal dedication to excellence and affordable access.


Letter from State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to President Sullivan - January 15, 2014
1974 Statement of Purpose and Goals
1985 Statement of Purpose and Goals

University Code of Ethics for Faculty and Staff

Approved December 6, 2019, by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia

  1. Compliance and Ethics: We perform our responsibilities ethically and honestly, in compliance with all University policies and applicable federal, state, and local laws.
  2. Use of University Resources: We use University resources only for their intended business purpose, as aligned with the University’s mission. We promote accurate financial reporting, protection of the University’s assets, and responsible fiscal management. Our expenditures are reasonable and necessary.
  3. Conflicts of Interest: We uphold our primary professional responsibilities to the University and the Commonwealth of Virginia, and actively avoid and report all actual, potential, and perceived conflicts of interest.
  4. Gifts and Gratuities: We perform our public duties without accepting, soliciting or offering anything of economic value such as gifts, gratuities, favors, or benefits that may improperly influence our professional judgment or seek to influence the judgment of others.
  5. Confidentiality: We preserve the confidentiality and security of University records and we protect the privacy of individuals who provide personal information to the University. We access information only as necessary and disclose information only to those individuals with a legitimate reason to receive it.
  6. Equal Opportunity: We promote an inclusive and welcoming community that respects the rights, abilities, and opinions of all people. We value equal opportunity and diversity. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.
  7. Respectful Workplace: We treat every individual with kindness, dignity and respect, regardless of position or status. We provide a safe and healthy environment for working, living, and learning. We collaborate with others in a positive and respectful manner.
  8. Honesty and Integrity: We act and communicate honestly and with integrity, upholding the University’s values at all times. We do not condone dishonesty by anyone in any form, including fraud, theft, cheating, plagiarism or lying.
  9. Reporting Without Fear of Retaliation: We report all violations of law or University policy, without fear of retaliation for reports made in good faith. We investigate all concerns and determine corrective action. We will cooperate with all investigations into suspected wrongdoing.

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UVA Health System’s Compliance Code of Conduct

Mission Statement

Transforming health and inspiring hope for all Virginians and beyond.

Our Values

At UVA Health, we put the patient at the center of everything we do. We ASPIRE to create a culture of excellence, engagement, and trust through our values:

  • Accountability: Acknowledging and assuming responsibility for where we have succeeded and failed in terms of our actions, decisions, policies, and results.
  • Stewardship: Managing our resources and commitment to continual improvement and learning responsibly and carefully while acknowledging shortcomings or problems in our quest.
  • Professionalism: Approaching all that we do in a collaborative way and delivering excellent care through the lens of helpfulness, positivity, kindness, and competency.
  • Integrity: Being honest, open, and fair through our behaviors, attitude, and treatment of others.
  • Respect: Valuing everyone through our compassionate and caring ways.
  • Equity: Fostering an environment of belonging that promotes justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and unity throughout the organization and within the communities we serve.

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